This is going to be in an odd form of writing that I can't really describe- you'll just have to see for yourself. Also, this is heavily, and I mean HEAVILY, inspired by "Quincy's Tavern" on TikTok. Go check him out. Not in order, btw. Also not historically accurate, and I know this isn't the name of the Tavern that inspired this but shush. It plays in later. I'll add more tags later.
Warnings: Mild language, Major blood and death, Major Violence.
You seem like every other average traveler. Average cloths. Average height. Just average. However, you're not "just average". To define your life would still be difficult, however. You never stayed in one place. Ah! A Traveling Trader? No. You'd be looking at a peddler without his pack (and that is an odd sight to see). Not the money for a house nor the time to settle in. Until a small town catches your eye. With no space to move in yet to many thefts for petty townsfolk to handle alone, you think you may stay a while. Inns were a bore and, again, there was no money for a room anyways, so you decide to see the nearest bar. Tis' at least a tavern. Known as "The Awful Tea-Cup Tavern" the only working man seemed to be a guy named Quincy. Only three fingers on both hands, yet a master of food. Said the Tavern was his home, and people would go anywhere to get a lot of money, so he had trinkets and relics of all kinds. Potions and brews, some bought- some made. He wouldn't tell. You sit for a while, talk a minute before your escapades of looking for a good quest deal, and think, maybe your time adventuring here wouldn't be so bad.
In the epic conclusion to the Devil's Deal series, Freya has one final chance to discover the full potential of her own power, and to use it to restore balance in the universe - once and for all. After the destruction caused by Roisin, Ferya and Torix come to terms with their losses and mistakes... And prepare for a final battle that will change everything.