Introduction In this story there is any ordinary middle glass girl yes you are right her name is Tejasswi. She stays in Mumbai suburban with her parents and two siblings a younger brother name Pratik and a small sister Akasha. Teja being a middle class earns for the survival of her family she has completed her graduation and during her college time only she was working as her father's income was not sufficient enough to run the house. Teja in this story has a different mindset and has some dreams for herself and her family. The people around her a very narrow minded even somewhere her own parents are not that broad minded they think a lot about the so called society. Teja is bold amd speak out loud her mind and we know these girls are not every much by the society. At the age of 24 there come a drastic change in life. She loses some people and meet some people in her life. Chacter in the story. [ ] Tejasswi as Teja,Teju (later many names to her will be added) A cute bubble girl very matured from her age. [ ] Karan as Sunny a rich boy with a very soft heart which as been broken many times . CEO of Kundra empire Loves his parents more than anything [ ] Vidhi as vidu best friend of Teja [ ] Adda best friend of teja [ ] Rohit normal friend of teja and even as crush on her but not told yet [ ] Shivin clg friend of teja and her guider in life also [ ] NIshant best friend of Karan and his business partner [ ] Prince best friend of karan owns his own company [ ] Anusha ex gf of karan [ ] Kritika close friend of karan and once was gf of karan [ ] Pratik shejpal an admirer of Karan and looks at him as mentor There character will be revealed during the storyAll Rights Reserved