It was just a stupid arrangement marriage, why did we end up this way? Like how I crave for your smile, expect you to at least show up at our house, kiss me in front of my family, hold my hand, smile at me, praise me, EVERYTHING?!
Why do I want that so bad from you when I can find somebody else who can do that for me freely, without any payments? Like, I have to wait for another family meeting just so you can hold my hand, smile at me... You know the rest!
Why does it have to be this hard to get you? Yet were still married and you haven't done anything. Right?
"If you're meant to be, you're meant to be"
This is an ENHYPEN JakeHoon book. I'm attempting if I can do this for this group and I hope I'll do well.
as always, if not a fan of ships, I suggest you just skip this to avoid any un comfort but if you wanna read it, thank you.
(Note: a little bit of SunSun included)