The once rebellious and rascal girl, Yae Riruka, the prodigy of Toho Gakuen Elite Academy of Music in Tokyo, gave up her path to be a musician after her younger sister Ruri, was attacked by some bullies. Due to an unfortunate fall, she has lost her eyesight and Riruka blamed herself for what's happened to her.
She quit the music school and was transferred to Ishida Shouya's high school. She renders herself into an Ice Queen, hiding her emotions behind her mask and chasing away everyone from herself. Due to the influence and fame of her family name and her wittiness, she will become pretty popular enough to be elected to fulfil the position of the President of the Student Council.
Secretly taking care of her sister, leading the Student Council and defending her position as the best student, she is also fighting against he deadly disease, Leukemia.
And if you think her life is not hard enough: she develops a crush on the former bully, Ishida Shouya. While expressing her feelings towards him through patronizing Ishida, she discovers the rising interest between the boy and the silent girl, Nishimiya Shouko and she has decided to help Ishida to get closer to the girl.
Even though, it would break her heart.
But not to make things simple: no matter how hard Riruka tries to keep the boy away from herself somehow, he is getting closer and closer to her...
Collection of shorts, OC x Canon