As order 66 goes on the jedi are dieing out left and right only some have made it out of the empire's grasp but eventually get caught in the end but not this one they have been training for years in the jedi temple even when they weren't supposed to be training you can find them outside training themselves or with another person so much they almost died for over working themselves that's what the other jedi call a jedi soldier but soon to be forgotten. (by the rebels,empire, ect everyone) Authors note: Hello! just so you know I'm not trying to be dramatic in this story and I know jedi soldier's don't exist in starwars this is my story and this is my imagination please don't judge and why the bad batch, the Mandalorian and the book of boba fett was on on the cover is because clone force 99, Mando, grogu and boba fett are in this and yes I know the Mandalorian and the book of boba fett are there own timeline in starwars but this is my book so please don't judge oh and you'll find out who "they" is as the story goes on bye!All Rights Reserved