Anxiety: Lucy Jones is held captive in restraints that have been sewn by Anxiety. She faces fight or flight each day of her life. What will she do when all of her comforts disappear completely overnight? Addiction: Thomas King has struggled with addiction for all of his adult life. His habits worsen in times of pain, stress and anger. He finds himself drinking to cope with the new side of life. How will he hide his addiction from those close to him? Depression: Tommy Walker is a high achieving, funny individual who never fails to make others laugh in times of hardship. Who's going to take care of him when he finds his world flipped upside down? Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Harriet Johnson has faced a lot of trauma in her life, none worse than the day her own mother died. Since that day she was very specific about how she lived her life. Her routine was bound by rules, how is her routine going to alter to fit with the new life?