41 parts Ongoing MatureIn the aftermath of humanity's collapse, Vincent Armani, the last known human, struggles to find a place in a world now inhabited by "Anthrokind" - a society of intelligent, anthropomorphic animals and the result of his father's invention; the X-R07 serum.
Dawned by the weight of his survival and burdened with a weapon capable of altering history itself, Vincent becomes the target of a government corporation desperate to claim its devastating potential.
Vincent must navigate a path in the new world filled with unlikely allies, cunning adversaries, and forbidden knowledge that could redefine the future for the human, and all of Anthrokind.
Will he protect the weapon's power from falling into the wrong hands - or succumb to a destiny and become the catalyst of Anthrokind following the same path their predecessors travelled?
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Cover Art: 'Morning' by 2078 on DeviantArt; https://www.deviantart.com/2078/art/Aclipes00-687569591