Hiraya, a tribe heiress from a tropical island far away, discovers a baby night fury with a broken wing as a child. Rendered as a flightless dragon, Hiraya seeks the man who stood beside dragons- a night fury, after learning of the night fury killer, Grimmel. Desperate to ensure her night fury's safety, Hiraya travels oceans, lands and kingdoms to find the Chief.
And when Hiccup, chief of Berk for around fifteen years, discovers that Toothless was not the last of his kind, travels with his daughter and son, Zephyr and Nuffink and optimistic young girl, Hiraya, to The Hidden World and around the world looking for more night fury's, should a few still be alive.
What Hiccup Haddock the Third and island princess Hiraya of the Deep Water tribe discover, will astonish them to their core.
Another time, another story...
After the events of Drago and his Dragon Army, Hiccup stepped up to his new responsibilities as Chief.
And Y/n stood by his side, supporting him.
"I don't want to go."
Grimmel the Grisly, a man of many names. Night Fury Killer, Famed Hunter, Snake.
All three matches the man perfectly. A man of manipulation.
"Did she tell you that you're special? You're nothing."
The Hidden World, home to all dragons.
One last escape. One last try to find peace.
But everything can't always go the way you want it to...
"The only person standing in your way is you. It's time to let her go."
Hiccup Haddock had never felt closer to anyone as Y/n, but it's dangerous. And he's scared. He is so scared.
That he'll lose her again.
"You're not alone in this! You know that right...? Right?"
Trouble rises once again on the isle of Berk, and the riders and their dragons must stand against it once again.
"I'm laying everything on the line here!"
"She's a freak. Just like her ancestors. And I'll not stop till they're all mine."
This... Is a story of a life time.
Book three of the Wild series.
Book one - HTTYD: Completed.
Book two - HTTYD 2: Completed.
Book three - The Hidden World: Complete + Homecoming.
Book four - RTTE: Released.