We all know that Embry hasn't imprinted yet. We also know that his father may be Billy Black, Quil Ateara IV, or Joshua Uley (most likely the latter). And while Bella and Edward were having their little "crisis" and Jacob went all drama king, some heavy stuff happened that our beloved Stephenie Meyer left out. Or, so my imagination tells me. And the drama doesn't stop there. Percy Jackson's half-sister, Estele Blofis, has this best friend. Her name is Cybele Caterina, and she's been trying to have a child for years. After three miscarriages, her husband left her, and she was devastated. Leaving a visit with Estele, she met the muse Calliope, who talked her into carrying a child for Hephaestus. A little Percy Jackson, a little Lore Olympus, and all Twilight, this story encompasses some of the greatest fandoms ever, and it does so well, if I do say so myself.