In this inspired James Dashner franchise series, The Maze Runner, comes my own twist of a story called "The Griever Girl". And you are the lead. When you come in, you are frightened, but unlike the others, you have a secret that crept upon you in the Box. Telling you to decide for the Grievers. Not only that, but vague memories start seeping from your brain. However, that only leads to more questions.
Maze Runner is owned by James Dashner as well as his own characters: Thomas,Minho,Newt,Teresa, etc.
This is my idea, but I'm pretty sure there are others with similar ones. Just to get it out of the way, the title may be common, by my story ain't. (SORRY IF THERE ARE ANY GRAMMATICAL ERRORS OR MISSPELLINGS! OR MISINTERPRETATION FROM THE BOOK! If so, please notify me!).
It's cold and dark with flickers of red lights.
I feel sick and I can't move,
Some one help me! I scream.
Elizabeth is sent in to the maze with out her older brother Thomas and is left at the mercy of the gliders.
Newt is caught in his feelings towards liz what will happen when the other boys find out?
In this book series they won't find a way out when thomas gets there or theresa they make it out a year or two after.
Book 1 of series
The Maze Runner is owned by James Dashner