An alternate universe story inspired by Diana Gabaldon's "Outlander." On a much needed vacation to England with her husband Daniel, Regina Mills-Ahern goes into Sherwood Forest during the Midsummer, when legend says travel between worlds is possible. She exits into a different forest, one populated with characters she only knew from fairy tales. Trying to return home to Daniel, she encounters intrigue, friendship and love. Stable Queen, Outlaw Queen and other pairings.
In Storybrooke, there is a special cottage. It is said that couples who spend a night there at Christmastime will be blessed with happiness and true love for the rest of their lives. Regina Mills doesn't believe in such fairy tales...until she is forced to spend a night there with her ex-boyfriend, Robin Locksley, ahead of their best friends' Christmas wedding.
Able to finally find closure for how their relationship ended years earlier, they decide to give their friendship a second chance. Having Robin back in her life as well as being back home makes Regina question if she is happy with her life and if she has the courage to make the decisions she needs to in order to be truly happy.