As he saw the flames consume the building where he had grown up, tears began to flow silently from his eyes. He made not a sound, not wanting to be seen nor heard, as he watched in torment. Cries came from the building as his only friends, his only family, began to burn. He had other relatives, if only by blood, but he didn't even remember their faces. The few butlers and maids who managed to run out the door, slaughtered like pigs, their corpses thrown back into the fire, the uncaring faces of the men dressed in all black shining in the inferno's burning light.
Why was this happening? Why? This thought cycled through the boys head, long after the men left, long after the cries stopped, long after the sun rose. Why? Why!? WHY?!? Slowly, for the first time in hours, the tears stopped. His name was Basil, and he was the third prince of the Alostell kingdom. But more importantly then any of that... he was MAD.