December 29th, 2001
Does that date mean anything to you?
What about
December 29th, 2010?
If you answered Madison De La Garza's birthday you're wrong.
It's my birthday too but no one ever seems to know that.
Let me guess, your thinking: Madison has a twin? Yup, ya didn't know that huh?
You see December 29th isn't just my birthday; it's the day I was abducted.
Leighen Mae De Le Garza, that's the name.
Finding my way home is the game.
Problem is, they don't seem to even want me back; I've been gone, trapped, isolated for 3 years, 11 months, 1 week, and 4 days.
I haven't been in one tabloid, not a single headline, I went to public school, I lived an average life when the sun was up. But as the sun set my life as Haydn Blac was a living nightmare.
Sequel to The Way He Lies
Look at yourself. Take a look at yourself. Stand in front of the mirror, and stare the reflection that looks back at you right in the eyes. This is what you created. The life you've created for yourself. The person that your friends know, your family knows, that you know better than anyone. Do you like your life? Or do you wish you could turn back time and re-write your story?
That's what I did, or what I tried to do. I'm not sure what I tried to do. Was I re-writing my past or just simply running away from it? It definitely seemed easier to run. It wasn't so easy to re-write your past though, it would be like messily scribbling out lines written in dark blue pen, people could still see the mistakes you had made while seeing that you're trying to correct them. Where as running? No one needs to know anything.
So tell me, which choice do you think I made?