He was the smallest of all the alley cats on the streets; so small, that if he got any smaller, he'd disappear. He was purposeless; unnoticed... that is, until the most fearful street cat of all stumbled upon the alley behind the humans' market. She was the one and only; the one that didn't overlook him, that didn't misjudge him, and the one that spoke to him about something other than his unfortunate size. She cared about him, deep down, and he knew she did. She left the alley as quickly as she had appeared, and he knew that he had to find her again someday. After all, she was what gave him purpose. He knew that somehow, she was the one that would make him go from invisible to invincible. He just had to wait for her to come back.Bảo Lưu Mọi Quyền
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