The Second Sons (Misbegotten Misses 2.5) (excerpt from published novel)
1 part Complete MatureOliver and Alden quickly realize they want Lady Fiona de Rothesay, but she keeps a secret. Convincing her to trust them is going to be more difficult than they expected.
Lady Fiona de Rothesay isn't like her sisters, or even the typical academic bluestocking. She has a secret life, and she's determined to live it without interference, despite the overbearing supervision she unexpectedly acquires with the return of the Duke of Lennox's prodigal second son-and his lover.
Lord Oliver Morewell was perfectly happy living in Amsterdam with the love of his life. However, Lord Alden Swenson has been summoned to England for at least the next twenty years, and Oliver is committed to his lover. He also won't deny what his soul knows to be true. Alden is his past, present and future, but Fiona belongs there, too.
Lord Alden can cope with the disapprobation of Oliver's family and the whispers of society, but Fiona is a complication he did not expect, despite the vivid fantasies he and Oliver have had about finding a woman to make their relationship complete.
Once Fiona is in residence, wild horses can't keep him away, despite her stubborn streak of independence and outright refusal to explain her mysterious absences, late night disappearances and male companions. Alden and Oliver will have to conquer Fiona's distrust, her secrets, but most of all her heart in their search for perfect, if unconventional, love.