Hi! This is basically a Minecraft royal au the main ship is Zelkpvp and Skephalo **I SHIP THE PERSONALITYS AND STUFF NOT THE ACTUAL PEOPLE** Mega was born into royal blood even tho he wasn't the oldest son so he still had to marry. His father had laid his path setting up all types of encounters with lady's and gentlemen alike with all the same interest. Money. Mega could care less about it though he thought it was useless, but he thought the same thing about love. But unlike his eldest brother Halos who thought of finding true love was but as the eldest he would one day take the throne and become the king. He knew Halo didn't want it, but he had no other choice in the matter. Mega soon meets a dashing young man obviously a few years older than him. He stumbles into the man as he went strolling in the woods and couldn't get his mind off of him. Will Mega peruse the man? or will he stick to the never ending interest of never finding love?All Rights Reserved