Akira Akatsuki, Hikaru Akatsuki, Jessica Shannon, Edward "Ed" Grant and Chris Taylor: the five famed young teens who partnered up with the Avengers when Loki tried to take over earth, using an invention that Tony Stark, aka Iron Man, and Dr. Akatsuki, Akira and Hikaru's father, had put up in order to capture villains and store them for good. This invention and worked on project were given the name "PROJECT DISK".
Chris, Ed, Jessica, Hikaru and Akira all got blasted with a machine generating the power to use the DISKs at their disposal. That power is called 'Biocodes' and has been divided into five different categories or identities: Tech, Fight, Animal, Energy and Power.
Long story short, with the help of Akira, Jessica, Chris, Ed and Hikaru: The Avengers put a stop to Loki's plan and now had him locked up in his own DISK, ending their battle once and for all.
The Redemption of a God [ Loki FanFiction ] [ON HOLD]
24 parts Complete
24 parts
Does no one else have anything to do except read this cringey story?
"SHUT UP, I have changed in my exile, and I will not dare harm them, nor use them.."
"Your the GOD of MISCHIEF and LIES do not deny it...your manipulating them to help you take over humanity once more... And in this time, your lying to yourself."
Highest rank(s) : #1 Fenrir
#2 LokiOdinson