he got his wish. so many possibilities, so many paths. And yet she has her mind set on one Just know the first few chapters you will have no idea who the characters are but I will explain in further chapters There will also be some chapters that are a different time point with different characters so it will be confusing but one thing, they are the ancestors of all the current characters in the chapters before the time skip, melghic tribes for the time skip (mel-ic) firYux -fire (fur-yux) mayire -nature (may-year) sifesth -earth (sif-eh-sth) aurbuth -air (oar-buth) ayahea -water (eye-a-hey-ah) atinenvez -witches (ah-tinen-vez) elaveix -elves (ela-vex) hubreds -hybrids (hue-breads) ludver -light (lud-ver) otebr -other (oat-tey-bur) Fiotel (Fee-otel) univiel -universal (uni-v-ie-l) Nijax -animals (knee-jax) I will add more stuff as I make more chapters