"BLAH BLA-BAH-BLAHH" "What'd he say?" "TheRe'S aN AsSeT oUt oF CoNtAinMeNt" "Wait what's an asset?" "Why don't you make yourself an asset to DEEZ NUTS?" oh I'm so sorry. In which a world renowned athlete pays a visit to his 'favourite' dino park... cause its the only one. Nah he had to, to make the national team look good in a mutual sponsorship for Jurassic World. Soon, He finds himself stranded with a bunch of teens on a dinosaur infested island, fighting for his would-be life if they weren't already quite dead to the world. Saw this show again, haven't seen any good fanfics, so I wrote one myself. but God this show fell off... man it sucked at times and the plot line? only to be described as a clusterfuck. Bruh for a show funded by UNIVERSAL STUDIOS, they're animation was clunky and off putting... reusing the same models over and over again and I couldn't not notice it... yes I will be mentioning it throughout the show. Also, i do NOT own jwcc. That goes to Universal Studios. I do not own the reader either.All Rights Reserved