Small town born 14 year old Haley Latch is caught up in her parents divorce. To get her away they send her too boarding school in Manchester England where she can study dance and academics. 3 hours from her home of Cheshire. But as luck would have it her roommate turns out to be Felicete Tomlinson. They become best friends immediately. But as time goes on Haley realizes school is only half the battle. This is important for the story Step Siblings Alexa 27 Luke 21 Abigail 19 Jaycee 18 Madeline 16 Carley 13 Cayden 12 Isabella 10 Riley 8 Raeanna 5 Emmy 3 Andy 2 Half Siblings Jake 23 Brittany 20 Jaylen 17 Austin 14 Baylee 6