In 2015, the world was shattered by a catastrophic event, leaving only a fraction of the population alive. Amidst the chaos, Shahnaz Lone, a young housemaid from Pakistan, valiantly ensured the safety of her family and the Collins, her employers, during an evacuation. However, her selfless act of sacrifice for an injured boy leaves her facing the blinding light of devastation alone.
Fast forward to 2030, survivors now eke out an existence under protective glass domes, shielding them from the toxic atmosphere and the menace of flesh-eating Crawlers. Awakening in a desolate cave, Shahnaz finds herself in a world stripped bare. Driven by the instinct to survive, she embarks on a journey in search of sustenance and fellow survivors.
But fate has other plans as Shahnaz crosses paths with Sergeant Junayd Darzi, whose enigmatic demeanour conceals secrets about those she holds dear. As she grapples with the harsh reality of her new existence, Shahnaz must navigate treacherous terrain both within and without, where every decision could mean the difference between life and death.