In the middle of all the normality London holds, lies a secret. This is a secret of magic, mystery, friendship and the forces of nature. A group of chosen ones in the middle of this city have the gift of being able to bend an element. One, the avatar, is able to bend all four. Nobody knows who the avatar is yet, and only that one person can liberate the rest, and allow them to practice and develop their gifts in public without being scorned. To try and do this, a private girls and boys school is opened up in central London for the benders, in which they test their abilities and try to work out who, out of these young people, is the avatar.
The only problem is the benders.
A young woman finds herself in an unexpected predicament when she becomes pregnant by her former boyfriend. She prepares to share the news with her ex, but destiny takes a tragic turn as she comes face-to-face with the very criminal she should have informed him about. To her surprise, she discovers that her ex-boyfriend is now the one defending the criminal in court.