The story began with Naoki Irie and his girl best friend *Park Moon-Young* she is Korean, born from the most wealthy family, and her 2 older siblings. Moon-young moved to Japan to stay with her aunt and uncle because she prefers to stay in Japan than Korea, but she visits Korea sometimes with her aunt & uncle. And that is when she enrolled in *Tonan High School*and that is where she meets the most intelligent student in *Tonan High School* who is none other than Irie Naoki, Naoki or also known as *Ice Prince* & *The Golden Prodigy*. And also let's not forget about Kotoko Aihara, the student from the lowest class, everyone knows that she always had a big crush on him. (What will happen if the *Ice Prince* meets with the *Golden Rose* and what will happen with Kotoko, Kotoko's father, & Naoki's Family? Read and find out...)