🤝~All Darshaners are heartily welcomed to take a venture into this story book ! Even a non-darshener is most welcomes ! You can imagine YOURSELF , YOUR BOY BEST FRIEND COM LOVER AND YOUR IDOL!💙 📝~When y/n have option BUT NO CHOICES to save the life of either y/n's Bestfriend and later The boyfriend or y/n beloved idol!! And all y/n do is try hard for both of them to be safe because these both people are most important in y/n's life ! Where one can't be chosen ! Now let's see all the trouble and memories that y/n collides in her life !.....👀 ‼️🤝~An imaginary Pen Portrait of Y/N , Y/N's boy bestie and DARSHAN RAVAL!💙~This story is completely based on my imagination and no where related to characteristics of the original person ! ‼️~Sometimes stories might have name but it is nowhere meant to be an intentional pick up of name it's just a random name which comes to my mind ! ‼️~If you feel anything kind of uncomfortable please let me know it ! I would be glad to know and correct them ! ‼️~Feel free to ping up if you want your name to be in one them ! ⚠️~Mature content alert ⚠️: Too deep into mature contents and has steamy romances and intimations ! Pogo kids please stay aways and people who feels they will be disturbed due to uncomfortable scenarios please stay away or the Content alert will be given at the beginning of the chapter ! 💙~Happy Reading readers !💙 Name is hidden Can call me Aesthetic!💕 Or just call me T!💕 ~Your Aesthetic or T 💕🥂All Rights Reserved