It is the year of 1967VT in the world of sumishia, in the colder part of the magical realm was the village of yutokia. The citizens of the small village were called the yukians.
Every two days the citizens cast a 'spell' on the village to protect it from harm, i myself would call it a ritual . .
They will choose a certain individual in the town to sacrifice a part of their body to a so-called 'god', if a certain person refuses to give up a part of their body they will suffer terrible consequences. I am not able to name them. (Though most are worst than death itself.)
The children below the age of nine will not participate in the 'spell'.
(The gods do not find those children's parts useful.)
Those who refuse to give up their body part to the god sometimes will choose to run away into the forest. They call them
The numirens. (The forest of yutokia, also called the tumireshi )
Most of the village has magical abilities called 'nems'
There are also a few species of human mixes in the village.
Ludwings; people with wings, basically. Most have water or ice shifting powers. No natural disasters could be formed by them.
Orin; a cathuman, they were heard to be created by the 'god'. Most have plant manipulation. Only a few plants could be controlled at a time.
Orko; doghuman. Also Heard to be created by the 'god', most have fire abilities, though they are not strong. The fire is usually only enough to boil water. The fires are not able to spread.
Elflings; it's in the name, elf people. 100% of them have plant Manipulation, they usually fully master the power by the age of 10.
Deminians; demons, basically. Most are powerless or a small amount has black magic. Most also cannot fly.
Algin; angels, they are fully able to fly but not for long. 80% of the algin population can manipulate some winds. Storms and other natural disasters could not be manipulated or formed by them.