In a land relatively distant from where you're sitting, standing, or simply existing at this current moment, there's a place most refer to as the Lab. You're most likely not surprised by the fact that it, in fact, is a laboratory which conducts scientific experiments. The legality of said experiments are certainly questionable, but that doesn't matter. I digress. A man (who's hardly a man, but I should stay on track,) named Adam has the very, very unfortunate chance of getting pulled into the Lab as a subject. Memories taken completely, he has no recollection of anything from his life as he's thrown into a plethora of trials each day. Surviving all ten days and their corresponding trials earns him his memory back and his freedom. As long as he's cooperative and everything goes as planned, of course. As if that's going happen. Meanwhile at the Sky Hub, everything is falling apart without their leader. Adam, needs to get home, and fast, or he could lose everything he doesn't know he has.