Tube Mastery and Monetization teaches how to start, grow, and monetize a hyper-profitable YouTube channel from complete scratch.
It doesn't matter if you don't have any tech skills or any previous business experience. Everything you need to know is provided step-by-step in this training program.
In this complete course, I teach my EXACT strategies for starting YouTube channels from scratch and show you how I started a YouTube channel and grew it to having 500,000 subscribers in just one year.
I hold nothing back as I show you secret algorithm growth hacks, tips, and strategies for growing quickly and going viral that I have not seen taught anywhere else online.
A million dollar bounty, underground assassins, torture-it's all in a days work for assassin Jessie Wright.
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Molded into an assassin by the one who killed her parents, Jessie defies orders and goes rogue. Now with a bounty on her head, her only chance of survival may be with a man who's reputation is worse than her own.
Violence, Assault, Swearing.