48 Parte Kumpleto In a world shattered by fate, Erik fights to survive the aftermath of an abrupt apocalypse. After nearly a year of solitude, he's a lone wanderer - until a chance encounter changes everything. Drawn into a web of intrigue, Erik's desperate search for weapons leads him to a police station, where an unexpected twist of destiny places him at the mercy of three captivating teenagers: Ivan, Jane, and Kevin.
Bound by their own secrets and united by a shared goal, the four survivors form an uneasy alliance. But freedom comes at a price. Erik must agree to their daring terms - a treacherous journey to Golden Woods, a fabled haven of civilization that promises refuge from the chaos. Trapped between trust and survival, Erik has no choice but to join forces with his newfound companions as they navigate a world where danger lurks around every corner.
As tension mounts and friendships evolve, Erik's heart races not only from the threat of the unknown, but also from the captivating qallure of the unexpected bonds he forms. With danger, suspense, and a dash of romance, follow Erik and his enigmatic companions as they tread a path toward Golden Woods, their destinies intertwined in the quest for a better future. Will they find sanctuary or uncover more than they bargained for in a world forever changed?