Ashley is known in shadow world as a professor of magic and science. She is extremely clever and thinks instead of feeling. She has a body, that doesn't bleed. Her blood is not circulating. But, once she is attacked by the angels everything changes. And this change creates a relationship between her and Raphael. She learns to trust Magnus Bane, the gorgeous warlock of Brooklyn. But she has to find a way to survive the war. And learn a way to deal with feelings she never felt before. ____________ I was on my foot but not for long. My computers already started to work on the magic but it was stronger this time. I looked at the angel. He came closer to me. "And yet, you think you can beat us." I could feel the circulations. The anger, the happiness. Every one of them was clear. I couldn't stop but smiling. I didn't have all the magic in the world but I had some. At this moment, I had to make a choice. Either I was going to run to somewhere safe and protect myself or I was going to destroy that silver city. Or, harm it really really bad. The second choice could end in different directions. Either more of them were going to attack me or they were going to retreat because of the harm. I fell on my knees. He stopped right in front of me. "You are pathetic." He kicked me in the face. I fell down to the ground of the boat. There was blood everywhere. One minute ago, I would probably choose another path but for now, I decided to take the risk. I think anger was the main reason for me to go after it.All Rights Reserved