It Was Only Supposed to be an Online Class...
36 Bagian Sedang dalam proses Just your normal, stereotypical, wrong number story.
Or is it?
This time, it's not accidental. This time, it's... somewhat on purpose.
Being what you might call "above average", normal high school science doesn't really work for Peter Parker. The solution? A college-level physics class.
...that Bruce Banner happens to be teaching.
But he's not going by his actual name, he's going by a fake name, because he just can't get a break about the whole Hulk thing. And there's no logical way one could know the other's identity, because how often do you meet your online students 'irl'?
Life goes on-a very large group chat is created, Peter breaks his leg (he did a flip!), Tony avoids some "non-business" meetings, the Avengers play card games, MJ stalks Flash, Cap swears, Ned is bribed with fudge, Bucky and Natasha fistfight over a game of Uno, Sam reveals he's broke (like Cinderella), and... to be honest? Everything is going really well for Peter, considering he's a stressed-out high schooler doubling as a vigilante superhero.
Until a strange yet familiar character appears, just as the shadow of Infinity War is beginning to loom over them, and Peter is forced to fight not only for his life, but half the universe's in the battle of the century.
And it all begins with an online class.
Started: October 20, 2021
Finished: ON HIATUS. (be back... soon?)
#1 in #morganstark as of 11.06.21
#1 in #pepperony as of 11.15.21
#1 in #mayparker as of 11.18.21
#2 in #tonystark as of 12.14.21
#1 in #brucebanner as of 1.06.22
#1 in #ppps as of 1.08.22
#1 in #spideyson as of 2.10.22
#1 in #rhodey as of 2.10.22
Most characters belong to Marvel.