summary : you have a problem communicating, but you seem to make friends even without speaking.. maybe you could make friends after all.
Unedited, finished story will be edited. Not finished yet.
Warnings: themes of anxiety, social anxiety, trauma, the word kill, and religious trauma, just lots of trauma. Bullying.
{Themed after komi can't communicate, but also my personal problem with people who I haven't known for a long time. so basically, you, the reader, get to experience what it feels likes to had a phobia of speaking in public or to new people. Also mentions of voices idk what it's called but it's like those voices you get that are formation of anxiety that yell at you and shit. You'll understand when you get past the first chapter}
Fasten your seatbelts, towards the journey of mixed emotions...
They say life is hard. Yes, it is. But can you imagine how hard it is to dwell without a loved one? Carrying, tons of memories alone...
It would be nice if the loved one comes alive. It isn't possible but it would be nice if it is.
The adventure of four girls turned into a disaster on their best day and the encounter of various feeling rides and suffocations, connectives to different people,
Can they encounter love again?...
Can they be happy again without regrets?...
Can they live in peace?
An unknown mystery, how they find it, and how they solve it?
#sliceoflife #fantasy #depression #life #emotions #death #accident #drama #greed