yn the very pretty girl...bumped on strong man. guys this FF gonna be so intresting because it's written in HINDI ....I know guys you think it awkward but I want some unique idea so I think it's better. The strong business man who never cares of anyone ,so workholic . our beauty yn is work in T-entertainment as a employee because her parents only can run one chicken shop, but it's not enough for them. Let's see how they meet and what misunderstanding make them in love . .. omooo how much I am stupid I didn't introduce myself well I am Karuna the desi ladki 😎 guys if I make any mistake so adjust it because some of my Hindi words I also don't understand 🤣😂... show your love to my FF and guys one thing ,there will be both languages hindi + English ... because me also mishup of brain and heart ...so try to understand 😜