Syd stared at the fire, slowly burning his new friend's house. He heard the two kids walk away from the crime scene. 'How could someone do this to Kammy, Thyigo, and Alik?' He stared at the flames. 'How could something be so dangerous, yet so captivating?' "I know you haven't done this little arson act. Since you spend as much time with them then I do." He turned his head to see Kammy's older brother taking a second to see his reaction to all this. "I believe we both know who did this." Atlasper sat alongside Syd. His voice was deeper than usual. "It's time this place gets some changes. Are you in or out?" The 19-year-old beheld the musician. He has been friends with the mask for so long that he can't even count the years. "Why should I join whatever plan you have?" "You shall see." The port got up and marched away shadowing his relative, leaving 19-year-old Syd in the mystery of the following events.