One Day More - a Sartorias-deles fanfic
44 parti Completa Iris Theren has grown up in a small town near the Niam River her entire life. Composed of under 200 people, you'd think residents would know who she was, but her parents have made that impossible, going so far as to not even report her birth when it occurred twenty-three years ago.
Cetus and Cassiopeia Theren at one point imagined themselves to be esteemed members of the court, but they overheard whispered questions regarding their loyalties to the crown. Thus, they left Remalna-city years before Iris was born. Their resentment and dislike of the Renselaeus family traveled with them. In their minds, it was the Renselaeuses who caused their fall from "grace" and "good-standing." Only a minor detail that no one truly liked them in the first place. From the moment they left Remalna-city--from the moment Vidanric Renselaeus ascended to the throne with his wife, Meliara Astiar, at his side--they quietly plotted their revenge.
Alaraec Renselaeus, firstborn of Mel and Danric and crown prince of Remalna, has now seen twenty-four name days. The exact year the prince is traditionally determined to be old enough to take up some of his royal duties...including finding a potential bride. And thus Cetus and Cassie perceive the moment to strike has finally arrived.
NOTE: The setting, history, a couple of the characters, and some of the concepts in this particular story are inspired by Sherwood Smith's novels Crown Duel and Court Duel. One Day More (working title) occurs twenty-five years AFTER the conclusion of Court Duel, basically an alternate future outside of Smith's Remalna's Children novellas.