Murders have been happening. Every few days a new person goes missing and every time the previous person's lifeless body is found. Four bodies have been found till now. A blood red rose left everytime in the place the person was last seen.
The authorities are confused, there seems to be no connection between the victims whatsoever except the fact that they were all from T University.
All the victims were killed the same way, they were all beaten up before eventually being chocked to death. All of them kidnapped for different durations, ranging from two days to a week.
Soon, a fifth person goes missing....
Win looked at his watch again, Where was Team? He had told Win to meet him at the university fountain, Win had been waiting for twenty minutes now and his boyfriend wasn't even picking up his calls! Sighing he decided to walk circles around the closed fountain as he waited. A few steps later his blood ran cold, there, on the ground lay a beautiful dark red rose....... with Team's key card fallen next to it-