Auckland-based child care near me, Nature's Point childcare, provides early education to children for their overall development. Children have been learning outdoors, using their developing bodies and minds to make sense of them. We provide many learning opportunities - both intentional and accidental - where the children can learn to take risks, overcome fears, make new friends, regulate emotions, create imaginary worlds, and understand the importance of caring for Papatūānuku. Our national early childhood education curriculum TeWhāriki encourages an understanding of kaitiakitanga/guardianship by allowing opportunities for children to have the responsibilities of being a kaitiaki by caring for rivers, native forests, and birds.
Upon enrollment, you will be asked to sign a permission form that allows your child to go on regular excursions to Kirk's Bush. These regular excursions are a safe, supervised way for your child to explore our natural environment! There will always be fully trained teachers on these excursions to support your child's learning and a first-aid trained staff member.
There are many benefits to allowing your tamariki time out from the hustle and bustle of life to spend quality time in nature.