In the town of Skaneateles NY, young journalist Ariana Love, has an aspiration to write a best selling novel. Trying to spark her imagination and get her creative juices flowing, she goes for runs almost daily, feeling the air surround her, smelling the world around her, from the water on the pier, to the restaurants freshly opening upon a sky lit sunrise. Ariana has always had a keen eye for pinpointing things that look odd or out of place, or could at least feel it. But for some reason, at the very tip of the pier, where the water engulfs you in its velocity, across the way, in a clearing, one house has always caught her attention. For no apparent reason, whenever she looks across the way at that house, it completely mesmerizes her. Not having any reason to suspect anything, the uneasy feeling still never leaves her stomach. day after day she goes to the end of the pier, looking out, even on days where the rain was heavy and there wasn't a car in sight, she still found her way there. Until alas, she got the answer she was looking for. Why had that house looked so out of place for all that time? Why did she have that uneasy feeling that wouldn't leave? What was niggling at her brain that just wouldn't let go? Hidden secrets, hidden depths, all to be revealed by a small town girl who moved in hopes to write a best selling book. Can she crack the code before the time has run out? Or will she be left short?
Wynter is a nineteen-year-old girl whose life is anything but normal. Her father is a famous politician and her mother was kidnapped when she was young. Her best friend, Ariana, has been living with her since her parents died. And to top that off, people want her, her best friend, and her father dead. Wynter receives threat after threat of people saying they are going to kill her. And a huge event scars Wynter and leaves her with nightmares. So, what does her father think the safest thing is? Sending her and her best friend to a secret base where their bodyguards used to live. To make matters worse, the house is also full of teenagers who are also highly trained agents. Will she fit in and have a new life? Or will it all be too much?