Throughout the many lives of Kuroo, Bokutoo, Tsukishima, Oikawa and Hinata, the shorter of all four of his mates found this life to be the hardest. When he was young, he was kidnapped, tortured. It got to the point where he mind built its own kind of protection.
What kind of protection you may ask? Well, it's where he turns into a little. He gets the mind of a younger child and acts like a certain age. While in little space, he can change ages within a second. He was rescued by his family when he was about 10 and was captured at 4.
The only one in the family whom knows about Hinata's little space is his brother, Kenma(Yes, in this story, they're related.) no one else in the family knows about his little space. When Kenma and Shoyo go to different schools, Kenma going Nekoma and Hinata going to Karasuno.
He grew worried for his little brother, since Kenma was a year older. When he saw one of his brothers past lovers, he went over to him and started to chat with him, hoping to ease his worry about his little brother.
"Kuroo?" Kenma questioned, looking at the black haired male who turned around then widened his eyes. "Kenma?!" He replied, going over to him. "Hey Kuroo. Question." The dyed haired male said as Kuroo nodded. "Sure, shoot." He answered as Kenma looked at Kuroo seriously.
"Only Bokutoo, Oikawa, and Tsukishima. Why?" Kuroo questioned. " has to deal with my little brother....I'm not sure how you guys will take it though..." Kenma replied, having the black haired males full attention. "Kenma. What happened to my little mate?" He asked.