Joe is a nineteen year old who has never dated a girl. His friend Percy takes it upon himself to get Joe a girlfriend. After a few failed attempts, Percy introduces Joe to these three amazing girls. And as Joe spends more time with them, he begins to fall for all three of them. Somehow he went from being single his whole life, to having three girlfriends at once. The thought of having to pick just one of them seems scary to Joe, but he might have to do just that.
Alby is a sixteen year old who just got out of three year long relationship with Mal, who is three years older than him. Despite breaking up, they're still best friends and they do everything together. Now, Alby notices that Mal is falling for Joe. He doesn't want to admit it, but he's worried that if they get together, then she won't be spending as much time with him as she used too.
Joe has a big decision to make. Alby is worried that he'll lose the most important person in his life. And Rena, Kat, and Mal are caught in the middle of it.
Disclaimer: This was heavily inspired by a range of games made by Genius Studio Japan. Especially the games My Nurse Girlfriend and My Animal Girlfriend. Kat, Rena, Percy, Ivanovich, and Miki are not my characters and belong to Genius.