This story follows the friends and family of Marcus and Aliyah. Picking up two years later, after the most explosive exposure on social media, Marcus and Aliyah both are learning how to navigate life without and scandal or drama to follow them. Leaving all the negativity and the people that caused it back in Atlanta, the two have solidified a new life together in LA. But, there are a few secrets that they both are keeping from one another that could damage the new life they've made for themselves, if they cant learn to be honest.
Bria, a freshmen at Clark Atlanta, has finally gained her own sense of Independence in the city of ATL. Paired with her best friend since childhood, Jade and new roommate Trinity, Bria is learning the ropes of adulthood, and all that comes with it. From assignments, to partying, to new blossoming relationships, Bria learns quickly the weight that secrets can carry, and how difficult some of them may be to tell. Everyone has learned that honesty is the best policy, but do the policies change when the weight of a secret can change the dynamic of everything you knew?
Amara, still grieving the lost of her mother Nastasia, has found solitude in this new place of life. With everything seeming to slowly but surely get back on the right track for her, a secret from her past returns to haunt her, and jeopardize her new relationships, privately and professionally. Can she bring herself to tell the truth to the ones that matter, in order to rid herself of being taunted, or will she let her secret swallow her whole?
AJ, making his mark professionally in LA has been quite the journey for him. With climbing up the professional ladder, AJ has entered a stage of personal growth that he can't seem to fully understand just yet. Holding onto secrets he's afraid to say out loud, he reaches a crossroad in his life that requires the test of honesty to reach his right destination. Will he be able to make it to where he wants to be?
Aliyah Alsina, daughter of the once infamous August Alsina. At eighteen years old, Aliyah has found a way to deal with being a daughter of one of the most famous R&B artist there was years ago. With a strong foundation of family and friends behind her, she's well educated and well behaved when she wants to be. The last thing anyone would expect for her to do is have the opposite of herself in her company. Can she beat all the odds that are set agaisnt her?
August Alsina Jr, son of the once infamous August Alsina. With his biological mother barely in his life by choice, and all his of medical conditions hendering him from the things he loves, Can he beat all the odds that are agaisnt him and pull through?
Amara Baker, daughter of the now retired rapper, Machine Gun Kelly. Bestfriends with Aliyah. With her mother and father's estranged relationship, and her self-proclaimed title as bad girl, Will Amara learn from her crazy, wild and outrageous ways? Or will she live up to everyone's expectations of her? Can she beat all the odds and change for the better?
Marcus Richmond, The one you expect to see fail. With his horrible attitude, loose mouth and his street style life, Marcus doesn't care about much, and never has. School is never an priority for him, meaning his education isn't either. Pratically excepting the fact that he'll probably never graduate, Marcus spends more time in the streets than anywhere else. But with some a help of someone new in his life, will Marcus beat all the odds and walk the stage with the rest of his class, or settle for the typical sterotype role that everyone thinks he will be?