A Sequel to my rewrites of the previous five Transformers films, As the final installment Rise of Unicron serves as the epic conclusion to the series. two years after the destruction of Cybertron and the Cybertronians relocating to Earth, a new threat has arisen from deep within Earth's core: the emergence of Unicron, the Chaos Bringer, is upon us. now the Autobots are on a race against time as they venture deep into the Earth's core to stop Unicron from awakening, however the Decepticons are hot on their tail as Megatron seeks to obtain the Anti-spark, the source of Unicron's power for himself so he can use it to raise an army of Cybertronian undead for himself to command. the final battle between the Autobots and Decepticons is upon us, a battle beyond your wildest imagination!
10 parts