WHAT IF...The Bad Batch was affected by Order 66, but not exactly how and what the Sith had in mind...
In this story, Hunter, Tech, Wrecker, and Crosshair are brought down, their personalities stolen by the Sith and Order 66. However, because Clone Force 99 are defected clones, the Order doesn't exactly register like it does in the other clones...
Echo is the only one in Clone Force 99 in which Order 66 does not affect. However, he knows if his brothers find out, he will be in trouble. He wants to save them, but he will need help. From old allies, and unlikely ones.
Will Echo succeed in saving the rest of the Bad Batch? Or will something much worse fall upon them?...
*I do NOT own any of the Star Wars characters!!*
**For those who have read my other Bad Batch story "STEALTH AND TRACK"......FERN will be making her appearance!!**
***On that note, I DO OWN Fern!!!***
****Sidenote: Omega will not be part of this story... Trust me, you don't want her to be.****
Their mission...Their dreams...Their lives...are not over yet.
[THIRD Book of the "Stealth and Track" Series, following "Foresight and Scope"]
The age-old mystery of Athena and Fern's origins is finally revealed...
Echo is reunited with an old Flame...
Bridges are burned.
Threads are woven.
Stars collide.
Choices are determined.
Love is driven.
*I OWN Fern, Athena Quinn, and Dr. Sybil Lovick*
**I do NOT own the Canon Characters of Star Wars**