On March 30th, 2022, my friend @Undecided_404 and I were at a sleepover when one of our friends randomly deemed me the "purest of the group" and went on to talk about how innocent I am. This went on for a few minutes, and once I got a chance to speak, I said, "I'm literally the one who roleplays smut with strangers on Omegle." The room seemed to go quiet. Later that day, I was bored at this friend's house, having grown tired of attempting to watch Heartstopper while a certain loud mouth of the group was raging over something, hell if I knew what, but he wouldn't shut up. So we ditched it, watching all but two episodes. I sat on the recliner, my laptop open as I begged everyone around me not to bump it. (If you bump it, even slightly it reboots and I lose everything.) I was making a Gacha Club character I was super proud of (Don't judge, it's therapeutic to me) when Undecided asked if I could get on Omegle. She decided she wanted to roleplay one of my MHA starters, but wanted to match with me on her phone. 2nd try, we did match up, and this is what we created. The beginning was on Omegle, but after I had to go home, we decided to save the log's link and continue it on a shared doc. This story is far from finished, and while this version doesn't have any smut, a new version I'll later write, will. (We both decided we were uncomfortable doing such together.)