"From Another Perspective" is a short story mainly about a girl named Ashley who's life revolves around getting her education, good grades, and her hobby, fashion! If you haven't noticed yet, but Ashley is a true girly girl! Til this point, her life was overall fantastic! However, her life will take a turn that makes her live life from another perspective.
Ashley-a smart,girly 12 year old/Main Character/Narrator
Gene-Ashley's attractive 17 year old brother 
Mikayla-Ashley's BFF4LALAWLAM (Best Friend Forever For Life As Long As We Live And More) They have known each other since before they were both one years old. 
Louis-Ashley and Gene's cute Yorkie
Sara-Ashley's friend since 5th grade
"The Cool Clique"-What once she was friends with, but acted like fake friends, in her perspective
Hope you enjoy this short story as much as I did writing it!