"What The Hell Are We Gonna Do" Said Levi, Scared For His Life." "Taking Down That Tower Would Be The Last Thing We Do" I said. " I'm Not Prepared To Give Up Now Even If We Had To Wipe Out An Entire Nation!" Years ago, Humanity, all it knew was Earth, so soon all of that changed and there was no one to blame but us For thousands of years, generations of men and women, lived and died, then the cycle was broken. Death became our friend. . . Our Shitty Friend that stole everything from us. My Friends Thomas and Angel Plan to change everything... but somethings get in our way. Our very ignorance became our demise as people wondered what was happening and they had no idea, riot broke out, entire provinces and cities were destroyed, burned to the ground, and society collapsed under the weight of its sins In this day and age, All we have now is The Political Group “Insara”. With deceptive commands it has declared that the plants keeping the planet alive will surely hold indefinitely. Still... I see that this could be lies. And I'm not the only one. So humanity erected Aerial Posts, in case the planet does give way. My name is Levi Harris, and I live on one of those posts. However, I will find a way to take down Insara Stay Tuned for Every(Or Every Other) Saturday New Chapters!
8 parts