Prologue: Then she hears something else,
Something calling out to her, she couldn't hear it but sense it,
It sounded like human but not human.
Something that spoke, but not with words,
A voice that was strange yet familiar,
Her world fell into darkness,
the light started to fade slowly.
She starts to run with her everything towards the fading light,
It was her instinct that made her run towards the light, it was a feeling she had,
A sense of danger.... A sense of evil in that darkness,
She could sense it mocking and laughing at her,
Humiliating her to make herself unsightly,
And it was enjoying it,
She kept running till the light that was fading and now gone..
And there it was, the darkness spreading around her,
No light reached there, it's as if light had never existed there.
It wasn't like the darkness inside a closed off room,
It was the darkness itself enveloping around her,
When it touched her, she screamed....
"Help me!!!!!"
"Someone please...!!!! Help me!!!!"
"Please I beg you please!!!"
"Someone save me"
She screamed till her throat gave out, she yelled till her breath choked her, yet her voice wasn't heard,
She tried to run but she couldn't feel her legs,
It was eating her away,
The darkness was taking away her senses and her sanity,
She could not see nor hear, she couldn't speak nor move,
But she could feel her sanity slipping away in that pitch black darkness,
As it was feeding off of her everything,
Everything goes still...
Only silence remained,
Then from somewhere close,
She hears sound,
*Snap of finger
Just another generic story about some high schooler with powers being the chosen one and saving the world. Okay, maybe not the entire world. But our protagonist here may end up saving her country plus the spirit realm from a power-hungry goddess... or she may not.
So we have a country, Cloudgate, which I accidentally named after a giant bean in Chicago. (Look it up, guys) Then we have auras, which are these magical power source thingies from the heavens, or should I say the Realm of Spirits, which give the people of Cloudgate supernatural abilities. Except the auras are actually cursed, which messes with the human's powers, and now auras have become synonymous with curses and aura-having humans face heavy persecution.
Skye Everson, the afformented chosen one protagonist, is one of these aura-havers, and she has ice powers. For a long time, she had idolized mages and wanted to hone her skills so she could become a mage herself. The problem? Aura magic is no longer legal.
Fortunately for Skye, she gets kidnapped by a secret society that trains mages illegally, and may now have a chance to live out her dreams as an ice mage. But becoming a practiced magic user in this day and age may not be all its cracked up to be...
(Age rating: 13+)