"Stop attracting trouble."
Sherlock Holmes said that to you once, and you replied with an indigent "I am not!", like a little girl. Now you're not so sure about that. You thought everything was fine, break up was over, school was progressing, work was work.
So why now? Who is luring these people out from the shadows, and why are they coming to you?
Come take a journey into your life with Sherlock, Mycroft, John, Mary, so many more, and... is that a ghost I see?
Fem!Reader x Moriarty
Come & read what goes on in Sherlock world of texts! I ho- Sherlock: What are you doing? Me: Huh, oh I'm posting stories of what goes on when you text. Thing like that. Sherlock: Why? Me:Because people read that sort of thing? Sherlock: Mmmmmmm.... No. Me: Well sorry, I already did it. enjoy! By the way, I now take requests..... Don't tell Sherlock.... Sherlock: What was that? Me: Nothiiiiing....