[Bu kurgu hakkında bi sürü eksik şey var yazdıkça tamamlanacağını düşünüyorum. Yeri yanlış seçmişim kusura bakmayın, NYU'da geçmeyecek ama şimdilik betimlediğim gibi düşünün. Yer konusu baya karışık ve muhtemelen değişecek zaten] 'Dear diary, he is an angel. He is the purest form of a human being.' Janet didn't have so much hobbies to do but there was one thing that she would never miss every night, writing the feelings all on her diary. Maybe it was a therapy for her, maybe something to spend time; but she well know that her diary was her comfort place, where she could really be free. It contained every single feeling in it, and the every single sin she did. A story of her life...Wszelkie Prawa Zastrzeżone
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