After he took you home- ending. You awoken in chains to a fancy bedroom, clearly too expensive and beyond the means of your measly annual salary. Derek, the man who bought you and made you go through the worst of torture in an unknown desert, walks in suited like he owns the entire place, since he probably does. Seizes you by the bare throat and claims with a cocky smirk, "You are my property. Mine."
There was not a thing you could do to refute that as you nod tearing up, fearful at the way he looked at you, if looks could kill, he brutalized you. The shining spite through his blue-green eyes, sent your body shaking in regret and self loathing.
Complying with any word he says, that's your new way of survival. Begging for his forgiveness, to release yourself from this heavy chained guilt. After all, you did stab him.
• started: 8 June 2022,
《This story takes place canon from the erotic horror + Survival game "The price of flesh" by Gatobob! But then goes off headcanon ☆ according to my observations of the characters behaviors 👏☺ MINORS PLEASE Do not play the game!! Just be warned, I'm not responsible for anything except for your viewing pleasure! Warning, the stories I write are always for your, my lovely fellow readers, entertainment and guilty pleasure!! Mature auidences only! Please know this could pretty much be a porn without/with plot story but we all came here for the same thing 👀👍 Let's have fun!! Again, I do not own the game characters!! Only the story and whatever else I make ♡》 Derek is an (allege) esfp personality type! (Me thinks/checked on a personality website 💃)
▪︎This story is mostly headcanon!! In this one, the other captives died (seemingly) and the captors are all alive! This story is my interpretation of Derek! And his psychology♡from the answers Gatobob gave to questions about the characters on tumblr!♡ #I do research, MINORS DO NOT READ OR IDK YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. # abuse romance cause it literally