Mia Monroe, a fourth member of the famous trio (now quartet) has struggles with accepting her strong trust and loyalty, when assignments and personal relationships get in the way of who she is and what she has to do.
In sixth year, Mia has everything she has been wanting for what seems like forever, a trusting boyfriend, loyal best friends, and is top of the class (behind Hermione of course). Wanting is one thing. But needing is another. When she has to cut her friends and classes down to an unworthy necessity, things take a turn for the girl with everything, leaving her with nothing + an annoying whisper in her ear.
'Stone walls, but it didn't feel like a prison, it felt warm and welcoming, a starlit roof, but it wasn't cold, separate tables, but we were all one family'
I do not own any of the J.K.Rowling characters or plot, I only own Mia Monroe, and my own plot.
I do not agree with her views either.
I hope you enjoy.